
Episode 004: My Brother’s Journey To Atheism (Pt 1)

andy1Tam and I have an episode this week we know you’re gonna love.  Andrew, who is our guest this week did more than just grow up in the evangelical / charismatic  church system… he did it on steroids.  As a teenager Andrew was a Bible quizzing champ memorizing whole books of the bible and traveling across the country competing with other Bible quizzing aficianados.  I know what your thinking, “People do that?”

Let me tell you…they do…

After high school Andrew went down to Tyler Texas to worked at Keith Green’s Last Days Ministries and then finally as an adult left his native Michigan with his family to be part of a new church plant in Salt Lake City.

It was there Andrew became an atheist.

How do I know so much about Andrew’s story.

Well, Andrew is my brother…

In fact my blog post at Beyond the Pale titled “My brother’s Conversation with a Pastor, and why he left the faith, is one of my top 5 most viewed posts. Folk are just fascinated with his story

andy 2

In today’s podcast, Andrew shares some of that story as well as why leaving Christianity has left him, in the end, more Christ like

Hey..Go figure

…anyhow we had such a good conversation that we decided to split out long talk  into two parts.  We’ll get part 2 out to you next week



Show Notes

Andrew’s Blog can be found here:

The link to the post My Brother’s Conversation with his Pastor: and why he left the faith 
