2012 Oscars: My predictions
Well its 3 hours as I write this until the 84th Academy Awards. In Hong Kong its a Monday morning hence I need to take a vacation day in order to throw my little annual Oscar soiree. But hey, Billy Crystal is hosting again…so its worth it.
Ok, really quick (Yes I usually do this earlier but it has been a busy week this week) I wanted to give you my picks for the top 6 awards.
Who will win? The Artist
Who Should win? The Artist
Honorable Mention: Hugo & The Tree of Life
Comments: Director Michael Hazanavicius made a silent movie that kept a 21st Century audience engaged for 90 minutes. It harkened back to the Golden Age of cinema which the Academy members will richly reward with Oscar gold. I enjoyed every movie in the ‘Best Picture’ catagory this year unlike last (Black Swan anyone?)
Who will win? George Clooney
Who should win? Jean Dujardin
Comments: George is an Academy darling and his performance in The Descendants was well received. However if The Artist starts to sweep the awards look for an upset from Jean Dujardin.
Who will win? Viola Davis
Who should win? Michelle Williams
Comments: The Help’s Viola Davis has been winning earlier awards this season and the thought is the gold is hers. However Michelle Williams had me convinced she was Marilyn Monroe and the academy likes to reward actors who nail their bio pic doppelgangers.
Who will win? Christopher Plummer
Who should win? Kenneth Branagh
Comments: The 81 year old Plummer has won many awards…but no Oscar. This will be his life time achievement nod for his role in Beginners. A good movie and answers the age old question of ‘what happens when Captain Von Trapp comes out of the closet?’ However I’m a huge Kenneth Branagh fan and his performance in My Week with Marilyn as his personal hero Laurence Olivier was wonderful.
Who will win? Octavia Spencer
Who should win? Anyone but the chick from Bridesmaids
Strong performances by everyone except Bridesmaids. That this film is even acknowledged at the Oscars is a travesty.
Who will win? Michael Hazanavicius
Who Should Win? Any of them
This year’s movies were incredible. Scorsese’s Hugo made me a kid again. Terrence Mallick’s Tree of Life was the most bold endevour at understanding the nature of humanity since 2001 A Space Odyssey. But Hazanavicius made us love film (come to think of it, so did Hugo) and will be richly rewarded.
Well I gotta run. The Red Carpet has started and my guests will be arriving soon. Enjoy the 84th Academy Awards!