
A Beyond the Pale Update

Hey Beyond the Pale pilgrims and fellow travelers,Thank-You-message2_edited-1

Just a quick update:

First a big thank you!  Yesterday we just passed the number of visitors we had in all of last year: 47,294 which means Beyond the Pale will have well over 50,000 visits by December’s end.  Ok, admittedly, Rachel Held Evans probably gets those numbers in a couple days, but for this high school teacher sitting in a small apartment in South-East Asia, the idea of 50,000 people stopping by to see what’s on at Beyond the Pale and getting inspired both in their faith journey, and to their identity in God, well, it puts some wind in my sails to say the least.

Second: I apologize for being a little slower with new blog posts the last couple months.  Besides the usual time constraints that a 50+ hour a week job and being a husband and father impose, I’m working on launching a weekly Beyond the Pale podcast very soon.  Most of my spare time right now has been devoted to making that a reality.  I’ve had some great friends working with me on a new podcast logo (Thanks Sara!), a coming new look for the website (Thanks Matt!), and all the tech help needed to make the podcast a quality people will actually want to listen to (Thanks Kit!)

Testing the new equipment!

Testing the new equipment!

The podcast will continue to go “beyond the pale” and further the themes explored in the blog.  We’ll mix in some theology, interviews, movies, pop culture, music, news commentary and more all from the underlying theme of exploration and pilgrimage. And my wife Tammy has promised to host the show with me to help keep me in line…so expect some marriage issues to be addressed as well 🙂 )

My hope is to launch in October…and to launch well!

Thanks again for all your support, comments, and “likes” 🙂



P.S.  I’m still working on my Camino de Santiago memoir as well, which will get done…sometime 🙂


  • Steve, just found your blog, read some back posts, and want to say I’m a huge supporter. Keep on keepin’ on. Your voice and light are needed.

    • Steve

      Hi Susan! Thanks so very much for the kind comment.

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