American Jesus (March) Madness Predictions

I’ve never been into March Madness. Call me a spoil sport but getting SO excited, not over a nation or even a city mind you, but schools? And schools I never attended? Do I really care about the amazing new freshman point guard at Duke?
I think not…
But over at Zack Hunt’s blog Zack has manged to put a fun twist on the “March Mania” by highlighting a madness I find even more …um maddening?
Christian soaked American religiosity…
And by combining the two he has created an American Jesus Madness bracket challenge.
So looking at the results so far I thought I would make my predictions on what appears to be very competitive quarter-final matchups:
Pope Francis vs. God’s Not Dead: This is a tough one to call. I mean I knew God’s Not Dead would knock Ken Ham out of the race (though despite evidence of his loss Ken still refuses to believe it) but going up against the juggernaut that is Pope Francis? I have to go with the Holy Father on this one but this is a matchup where an upset is very possible. If supporters of God’s Not Dead are told to picture Pope Francis as an atheist University professor attempting to silence them, well, then all bets are off.
Jesus Feminists vs. Yoga Pants: This one is a little outside my knowledge zone. Apparently there was a bruha over a Christian blogger who stopped wearing yoga pants so as to not cause men to lust. To test this hypothesis scientifically I wore yoga pants around town all day with a notebook in hand. Sadly I produced no lust whatsoever but I did garner a few snickers, laughs, and a look of sickness or two. But against Jesus Feminists? I’m going with the yoga pants.
Christian Patriotism vs Liberals, Immigrants, Muslims, The Poor, and the Entire LGBT Community: Sadly for the Christian Patriots, this isn’t the same unstoppable juggernaut team they fielded in 1982. Gone is star Forward Jerry Falwell and even though legendary Center Pat Robertson is still playing, he tends to just come out on the floor occasionally, mutter something incomprehensible, and that go and flop back down on the bench. Also the game rules that had previously favored Christian Patriotism are being changed and the playing field is getting a little more even. Its a new season for this team so look for the Liberals, Immigrants, Muslims, The Poor, and the LGBT community to take the match.
Hating Rob Bell vs. The Gospel: This is a match for the ages! American Jesus Madness Christians LOVE to hate Rob Bell. He represents everything they are not. He is kind, thoughtful, compassionate…you know…Christlike and it drives them crazy. There is one thing American Jesus Madness Christians love more than the Good News Gospel of Jesus Christ and thats “hating Rob Bell”. Look for “Hate” to triumph over “Good News” in this matchup!
Well, there you have my predictions. What about yours?