An Affirmation For Brandan Robertson

Evangelicals are gaining quite a reputation as of late for being a tribe that eats its own.
Case in point, the recent flurry surrounding speaker and writer Brandan Robertson.
Brandan Robertson is an Evangelical Christian.
Brandan Robertson is also Queer and advocates for LGBTQ equality.
You can see where this was heading…
Apparently Destiny Image did as well.
Destiny Image, a major Christian publisher whose authors include notable “A-listers” such as T.D. Jakes and Bill Johnson, dropped Brandan’s debut book Nomad citing the fact that many Christian bookstores would probably refuse to buy it.
Now, a lot has been written about this issue. You can check it out here or here
But I didn’t want to rehash the details per se. I just wanted to do a little post affirming Brandan Robertson. He’s just took a major kick in the teeth from his own, and probably needs a few friends right now.
So let me say…
I like Brandan. I can’t claim to know him personally beyond a couple Facebook messages but I can say his earlier podcast interviews with notable folk such as N.T. Wright, Shane Claiborne, Kevin Miller, and Bob Goff were instrumental in the the journey my faith has taken since 2012. His own journey from conservative Moody Bible Institute into a Christianity steeped in Grace has been a real encouragement to this 40 something pastor going through a similar transition.
I also admire Brandan. He has a love for the Evangelicals that I’m sure leaves a lot of his friend’s scratching their heads but he has a loyalty and a compassion which is quite admirable, especially as the feelings don’t appear mutual He maintains his blog on the Patheos “evangelical” channel rather than the “progressive” one and seems committed to being a voice from inside the Evangelical “family”.
As he notes in a piece for Huffington Post however that commitment comes with a price:
Time and time again, I have found myself sitting across the table from Evangelical mentors, leaders, and friends as they have explained that because of my perspectives on this singular issue, I was no longer a part of the Evangelical fold. That I could no longer be a part of my community, or school, or network, because I believed that God blesses same-sex relationships. And here again I sat, being told that because of my sexual identity and support for equality, Christian booksellers were banning me from publishing.
Like Jesus, Brandan comes to his own, but his own do not receive him (John 1:11)
Brandan learned the hard way if you don’t conform theologically, you are quickly cast out. Funny how we Christians make such a big issue out of Statements of Faith yet Jesus never required anything of his disciples other than a willingness to “Follow Me”. Ironically Jesus tended to seek out people who had been rejected by the religious leaders of the day:
Jesus heard that they (the religious leaders) had thrown him out, and when he found him he said, “Do you believe in the Son of Man?”
“Who is he, sir?” the man asked. “Tell me so that I may believe in him.”
Jesus said, “You have now seen him; in fact, he is the one speaking with you.”
Then the man said, “Lord, I believe,” and he worshiped him.
John 9:35-37
Brandan Robertson is following in the Way taught by our Lord…and following that Way comes with a price. It often means experiencing the rejection of people we thought were brothers and sisters and sometimes even worse, by mentoring fathers.
So let me say:
Brandan, after the tears, frustration, and disappointment this setback brings, know this; there are a lot of people who need to hear your voice. Your voice that tells the rejected, the confused, and the cast out that their Lord loves them, accepts them, and receives them just as they are. That they are invited to “Follow Him”
You have Good News to bring! So keep your heart soft, joy on your lips, and a spring in your step. Know that there are many of us on the sidelines rooting for you!
Yes, the evangelicals have crucified yet another of their own but when people like Brandan Robertson follow Christ, resurrections end up becoming the final word.
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I just finished a facebook conversation with one of our ZCS classmates where he defended another preachers venom filled rant against sissies. You and Brandon give me hope for the evangelical world I have left behind although that hope seems to diminish a little more each day!
Thanks Chris, I appreciate that a lot. Cheers!
1 Corinthians 6
1 Cor 6.