Beyond the Pale: The Podcast

While walking the Camino de Santiago last month I listened to a LOT of podcasts. Yes, of course there was hours of reflection, meditation, prayer…and just plain mumbling to myself but lets face it; when you walk 25 – 35 km everyday for a month you have a lot of time on your hands…
…and so I listened to podcasts.
* faith building podcasts
* humor podcasts
* talk show podcasts
* news podcasts
* pop culture podcasts
And I realized something…
I want to podcast!
I want to podcast Beyond the Pale into a weekly show that people can listen to driving to work, mowing the lawn, or washing the dishes.
I hope Beyond the Pale The Podcast to be a show where listeners will enjoy a faith building meal with a recipe I regularly enjoy serving;
* start with a healthy portion of raw discussion on issues surrounding Christianity & church
* add a cup of pop culture references and analysis
* mix together with liberal doses of humor and laughs
* sprinkle the trademark seasonings of wit, sarcasm, and satire
* bake in the oven while interviewing really interesting people who do really interesting things
* serve weekly to an audience that see faith and intelligence as not being mutually exclusive
Many people on the Camino de Santiago come to life altering decisions while walking the 30 day pilgrimage.
* Some quit their jobs (Tammy is rather glad I didn’t choose this option)
* Some start or end relationships (Tammy is equally glad I passed on this option as well)
* Some renew and strengthen their faith (I did do this one too)
* Some see a new direction in their life
I went with this last option.
Launch a podcast!
Couldn’t shake the idea from my head as I walked the hills of Spain. I even messaged my good friend Kit from the trail in Spain. Kit is a tech, film, and sound guy who will be instrumental not only in helping me get this new project going but to give it have the professional level I know Beyond the Pale The Podcast will need and that you will want to listen to.
Kit messaged me back a thumbs up and a “when do we start?”
So, over the next few weeks I’ll be working on the new podcast and hope to go live with it in the summer.
Watch this space and hope you will tune in!
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Bleh … I’m deaf! So I’ll just skip the podcasts. But all the best in your podcasts.