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Hanging out with the Republicans!
By Steve on October 18, 2010
Its hard to beat the fast paced cosmopolitan nature of Hong Kong life… but as we approach the U.S. mid-term elections on November 2, I do feel a little nostalgic for some good old fashioned American partisan…
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Gun totin’ 7-yr olds!
By Steve on October 8, 2010
Couldn’t believe this when I read it but a school board in Broward County Florida has upheld a school expulsion for a seven year old boy who brought a toy gun to school! A lot…
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The Incredible (Disappearing) Video Store
By Steve on September 12, 2010
I did something today I haven’t done for a long time. I went to the video store and got a membership! Wow! Renting movies from a store. How “5 minutes ago is that?” The reason…
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Conviction & Compassion: or What to do with my Democrat, Muslim, and Gay friends
By Steve on August 28, 2010
I recently had dinner with a new friend here in Hong Kong. We had been talking about different cuisines and I had been bemoaning the fact that my favorite Lebanese restaurant had closed. When I…
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Twin Peaks 20th Anniversary
By Steve on August 25, 2010
Hard to believe its been 20 years since Twin Peaks first aired. Twenty years since half America stood around water coolers discussing the question du jour; “Who Killed Laura Palmer?” Twin Peaks, for the uninitiated,…
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Curries, Fried Rice, and Cheeseburgers
By Steve on August 20, 2010
After being back in Hong Kong now for 8 months I can say, “I love it!” And if you ask why, I’ll probably say, “something to do with Curry, Fried Rice, and Cheeseburgers!” What I…
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You have to watch “Centennial”!
By Steve on August 17, 2010
Ok, but first you should read Centennial. In 1999 I decided to tackle James Michener’s celebrated novel about rugged Colorado…if for no other reason than I was getting ready to move there in just a…
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On Anne Rice and Christianity
By Steve on August 2, 2010
The blog-o-sphere seems to be lit up lately with the news that author Anne Rice has left Christianity. The news though isn’t all bad as she declares an unswerving faith in Jesus Christ…its just some…
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American History X-plained
By Steve on July 16, 2010
I realize this is a little late for an American 4th of July laugh. I am always wondering when I watch clips like this, “Is this a set up or are people really this stupid?…
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July 4th Cold War Comfort Food
By Steve on July 4, 2010
Maybe its just me, but doesn’t it feel good to be fighting the Russians again! Last week’s breakup of a major Soviet (sorry, I mean Russian) spy ring of deep undercover agents infiltrating American suburbia…