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Living in Hong Kong: Hong Kong Anniversary!
By Steve on October 12, 2010
This week was a special week for me. On October 5th it was the 20th anniversary of the day I first arrived in Hong Kong. Three days later on October 8th, I was introduced to…
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Nobel Peace Prize for Liu Xiaobo
By Steve on October 10, 2010
Chinese dissident and Tiananmen Square alumni Liu Xiaobo is serving an eleven year prison sentence for “inciting subversion of state power.” He also just won the Nobel Prize for Peace. In and out of prison…
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Do You Have a Flag?
By Steve on August 30, 2010
I recently wrote a few posts back about the developing problem of territorial claims in the South China Sea. Well, it just keeps getting more interesting and for those of you outside the Asia Pacific…
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Curries, Fried Rice, and Cheeseburgers
By Steve on August 20, 2010
After being back in Hong Kong now for 8 months I can say, “I love it!” And if you ask why, I’ll probably say, “something to do with Curry, Fried Rice, and Cheeseburgers!” What I…
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Living on Park Island
By Steve on August 13, 2010
When Tammy and I moved back to Hong Kong last Christmas we had a decision to make…Where to live? We had lived for a number of years in different places around the territory from the…
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Balance of Power: The South China Sea
By Steve on August 6, 2010
Balance of Power politics are back! Recently China had re-iterated its sovereignty over the entire South China Sea as being one of its “core interests”. Such a declaration upped the International stakes as it essentially…
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American Superpower X
By Steve on February 20, 2010
The American aircraft carrier USS Nimitz steamed into Hong Kong harbor on Wednesday afternoon with all the political hoopla these actions seem to generate these days. Back when Hong Kong was a British territory, such…
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America: Sometimes you gotta be proud!
By Steve on December 10, 2009
Living in a country run by a very authoritarian government can, at times, makes me appreciate some of the things America and the West actually does right. On Monday I was watching This Week with…