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Time for a Separation of Church & GOP
By Steve on November 12, 2012
Every year, particularly during the election and Christmas seasons, Americans argue…a lot! And what do they argue about? Well, probably the arguments that generate the most passion center on this; How much Christianity can be…
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The U.S. Election vs. The Kingdom of God
By Steve on November 8, 2012
Yesterday there was a lot of emotion in America. President Barack Obama secured his re-election bid over the Republican challenger Mitt Romney in a marathon campaign that involved a lot of mud-slinging on both sides….
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Time for Christians to Put Away their Swords
By Steve on November 6, 2012
Last week I wrote a post on the Lord’s Supper. When Rob Bell was asked what he would do differently if he started another church he quickly answered he would have the group take…
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Freedom…Not to Judge!
By Steve on November 2, 2012
Not judging…is SUCH a relief! To paraphrase Douglas Adams, “Not judging is Big, really BIG! I mean you may think its a long walk to the chemist, but that’s just peanuts compared to not judging”…
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Nicholas Cage gets Left Behind
By Steve on October 31, 2012
The Hollywood Reporter announced that the rapture focused reboot of the “Left Behind” series has been green lit. And whats more, the casting for the reboot is moving up a notch with Nicolas Cage joining…
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You may need a little more Eucharist in your diet!
By Steve on October 29, 2012
Last week I was listening to Rob Bell being interviewed on the Homebrewed Christianity podcast. The interviewer, Bo Sanders, asked Rob a very interesting question. As many of you know Bell was pastor of the…
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Moneyball & Church
By Steve on October 28, 2012
I just returned from a week in China working with a charity project I’m involved in. The travel involved allowed me to finally watch the film Moneyball that has been on my iPad unwatched for…
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Prophecy & Nationalism? Proceed With Caution
By Steve on October 4, 2012
“In my opinion, the next event on the prophetic calendar will be the rapture of the church. I think that could happen at any moment and as we see all of these other things happening…
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Blue Like Jazz: Movie & The Book
By Steve on October 2, 2012
When Donald Miller’s Blue Like Jazz came out in 2003 and was the “must read” book throughout most of the decade in the Christian community I thought “this will be the book for me.” It…
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Book Review: The Gospel in Ten Words
By Steve on October 1, 2012
I’ve been doing a number of book reviews here at Beyond the Pale but this is the first review I have done where I have known the author on such a personal level. Paul Ellis,…