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Another year of “The War on Christmas” is over…Thankfully!
By Steve on December 27, 2011
I may be dating myself but I’m old enough to remember when saying “Merry Christmas” wasn’t considered a pejorative term. And to wish someone“Happy Holidays” was not seen as “selling out” or diluting Christmas in any…
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BYU Benches Star Player: “And so shines a good deed in a weary world”
By Steve on March 9, 2011
There is a great scene in the movie Hoosiers where the small town high school basketball coach played by Gene Hackman benches one of his star players during a game because of an attitude problem. As…
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Why the Left and the Right hate the Rally to Restore Sanity
By Steve on November 10, 2010
A couple weeks ago I arrived home late Saturday night from a great evening with friends and the family. However rather than collapse in bed as is the norm (those that know me also know…
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Restore the Sanity 2010
By Steve on September 18, 2010
I try not to blog too often on Jon Stewart and the Daily Show…else I would hardly blog about anything else…but when he announced his “Restore the Sanity” rally for October 30 in Washington DC,…
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July 4th Cold War Comfort Food
By Steve on July 4, 2010
Maybe its just me, but doesn’t it feel good to be fighting the Russians again! Last week’s breakup of a major Soviet (sorry, I mean Russian) spy ring of deep undercover agents infiltrating American suburbia…
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Crazies on the Left
By Steve on February 23, 2010
I never liked Keith Olbermann! The MSNBC talk show host who camps out on the political Left irritates me more than the norm because he comes across with his deep voice and gravitas as someone…