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Weekend Update: Hobbits, Russians, and Obama
By Steve on January 14, 2013
It’s the weekend which means I’m allowed to go a little off topic on events which I find a bit interesting: Gerard Depardieu becomes Russian Everyone’s favorite Frenchman isn’t French anymore! Yes, this week Gerard…
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Thanksgiving: From A Democrat and Republican perspective
By Steve on November 23, 2012
Happy Thanksgiving! I love living in Hong Kong but at times like this you really feel the pull toward family back home and gathering around the dinner table to celebrate… and if you are a Detroiter…to…
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The U.S. Election vs. The Kingdom of God
By Steve on November 8, 2012
Yesterday there was a lot of emotion in America. President Barack Obama secured his re-election bid over the Republican challenger Mitt Romney in a marathon campaign that involved a lot of mud-slinging on both sides….
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How not to get Sucked into Election Season Madness
By Steve on September 7, 2012
Wow, my Facebook news feed has really changed lately. I knew the 2012 political season was in full swing when the normal posts featuring my “friend’s” travel adventures, babies being born, and what they had…
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Dylan Ratigan’s Rant and President Obama’s failed leadership
By Steve on August 12, 2011
There is a Shakespearean sentiment that is brewing within America. Republicans and Democrats alike have been completely ineffective in dealing with the economic crisis that is beginning to jeopardize, at least the perception, of America’s…
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Happy Birthday to The Gipper!
By Steve on February 7, 2011
He would have been 100 years old today! Across America, Cenetennial celebrations are being carried out to mark what would have been the 100th birthday of former President Ronald Wilson Reagan. I miss the Gipper! He…
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Best Movies Ever: “The Right Stuff” or My thoughts on how to get Obama to fund the American space program again!
By Steve on January 29, 2011
Yesterday I felt this compulsion to watch “The Right Stuff” the 1983 film chronicling the test flights of Chuck Yeager and first flights of the original Mercury 7 astronauts. My friend Tom reminded me on…
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John Boehner & the 112th Congress
By Steve on January 7, 2011
I’m becoming more and more impressed with John Boehner! As the new Speaker of the House assumes his gavel and the newly crowned Republican led 112th Congress take their seats, a lot of expectation is growing…
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Christmas Shopping with Obama and the Republicans
By Steve on December 22, 2010
Its Christmas time and President Obama and the Republicans have been out shopping just for you. Using China President Hu Jiantao’s Platinum MasterCard they have bought a mountain of presents for the American people I…
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Election 2010 recap
By Steve on November 7, 2010
Tuesday’s election came and went leaving a result everyone pretty much anticipated. Recently I had connected here in Hong Kong with the Republicans Abroad and so received an invite to their gathering downtown to watch…