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Seeing (And Not Seeing) The Kingdom of God
By Steve on January 30, 2013
Readers of Beyond the Pale know I love Disneyland. I even like to joke that God, knowing I was going to be moving back to Hong Kong, had Hong Kong Disneyland built just for me….
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Keeping Heaven, and Toy Story Land, in our Hearts!
By Steve on September 25, 2012
Ethan just stood…and stared! One of the best things about living in Hong Kong is that I have a Disneyland about 30 minutes from where we live. Yes, God, in his infinite wisdom and knowing I…
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A Trip to Disney’s Toy Story Land
By Steve on November 19, 2011
Woody welcomes you to Toy Story Land When Hong Kong Disneyland first opened in September of 2005 it’s arrival was greeted with mixed reviews. In addition to some embarrassing public relations gaffs, the park seemed to be…
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What comes ’round!
By Steve on December 30, 2009
In November 1999, as we were getting ready to leave Hong Kong for good, a number of friends mentioned that it was a shame that I was leaving just a few months away from obtaining…