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The Way: Hiking the Way of St. James
By Steve on October 12, 2011
Just watched a wonderful inspirational movie called The Way and thought it deserves a post. The film chronicles the adventure of a successful doctor who takes up his son’s journey to complete the El Camino de…
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Cowboys…Aliens…and the Grace of God
By Steve on September 4, 2011
Just took Gabriel to see the new summer blockbuster Cowboys & Aliens! I knew from when I first heard the title I was going to love it because …well…it has Cowboys…and Aliens. Nuff said! Anyhow…
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Christian Movies: They’re getting better!
By Steve on August 26, 2011
If you were a Christian during the Jesus Movement of the 1970’s you may have seen (some may say subjected to) films such as A Thief in the Night or The Mark of the Beast….
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Movie Review: X-Men: First Class
By Steve on June 27, 2011
I don’t usually do reviews of movies like X-Men First Class. Not to say I don’t enjoy typical summer popcorn entertainment as much as the next guy but if I’m honest, I had figured I…
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Book Review: Rob Lowe’s “Stories I Only Tell My Friends”
By Steve on June 1, 2011
I’m a sucker for a good showbiz memoir. Those of you that know me well also know that a move to Hollywood and an attempt at movie stardom was the road ALMOST taken. Yeah, in 1988…
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My Greek Trip Part Deux
By Steve on April 25, 2011
Santorini Well, I had hoped to have some ongoing blog posts during my Greek trip BUT my power cord fried 3 days after I got to Greece and I was regulated to quick e-mail and…
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BYU Benches Star Player: “And so shines a good deed in a weary world”
By Steve on March 9, 2011
There is a great scene in the movie Hoosiers where the small town high school basketball coach played by Gene Hackman benches one of his star players during a game because of an attitude problem. As…
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And the Oscar Goes To….
By Steve on February 26, 2011
Living in Hong Kong is great…but its not conducive to throwing a good Oscar party. To throw a party for the Sunday evening event in Los Angeles would mean an early Monday morning here….not so good! …
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Best Movies Ever: “The Right Stuff” or My thoughts on how to get Obama to fund the American space program again!
By Steve on January 29, 2011
Yesterday I felt this compulsion to watch “The Right Stuff” the 1983 film chronicling the test flights of Chuck Yeager and first flights of the original Mercury 7 astronauts. My friend Tom reminded me on…
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Christmas Movies
By Steve on December 17, 2010
Its that holiday time of year again! After a long day’s work I enjoy nothing more than turning on the Christmas tree lights and kicking back on the couch with a glass of egg nog…