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Film / Star Trek

More Star Trek

By Steve on May 12, 2009

Trekkies Bash New Star Trek Film As ‘Fun, Watchable’ Yes, I know after a stream of postings that have been umm..on the lighter side, you have all been anxiously awaiting the latest entry loaded with…

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Film / Star Trek / Television

Star Trek

By Steve on May 8, 2009

I can’t believe Star Trek is coming out today in the States and I’m not there to see it. I’ve been reading the news and watching some of the reaction clips on CNN and am…

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Film / In Memorium / Television

Ron Silver 1946-2009

By Steve on March 17, 2009

Character actor Ron Silver has passed away after a two year battle with cancer. I blog about this for two reasons: 1: Ron Silver was a wonderful actor who I have enjoyed immensely through the…

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The Oscars

By Steve on February 22, 2009

My friends know that every year I host an “Oscars” party at my house on the night of the Academy Awards. I am a movie lover..uh hum…I mean film lover, and the Oscars is a…

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Film / Television

Joaquin Phoenix on David Letterman

By Steve on February 13, 2009

OK, no deep thoughts, discourse, or editorial here. Just plain funny! Joaquin Phoenix was on David Letterman last night and made a complete fool out of himself. Letterman at first was being gracious but finally…

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Film / Star Trek

Star Trek

By Steve on November 21, 2008

On September 8th, 1966 the country heard a now familiar voice proclaim for the first time, “Space, the Final Frontier…these are the voyages of the Starship Enterprise.” Four nights earlier I was born. Yes, I’m…

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Film / In Memorium

Paul Newman: 1925-2008

By Steve on September 28, 2008

I was saddened to hear of the passing of actor Paul Newman. Mr. Newman was an icon for a number of generations starring in such classics as Cool Hand Luke, The Sting, and my personal…

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Film / Television

Addicted to I Tunes

By Steve on September 25, 2008

Since moving to China, the availability of English speaking TV shows have taken a bit of a nose dive. I always knew people that watched TV on their computer either by streaming or download, but…