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Beijing Daily stung over Ambassador Locke’s finances
By Steve on May 19, 2012
Locke buys a coffee at Starbucks with daughter “Careful what you ask for”, the old saying goes, “you just may get it.” In Mainland China of late there has been a growing demand by the public…
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China News Still Not “Newsworthy” in America
By Steve on December 2, 2011
Obama greets troops in Australia Living in Hong Kong I am sometimes amazed by what International news is important in this region versus what is deemed front page news in America. Being a bit of a “news…
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“Big Brother, Little Brother” comment riles Vietnam in the South China Sea
By Steve on June 21, 2011
The potential for conflict in the South China Sea is heating up. While American forces continue to concentrate on Afghanistan and the 40 or 50 al qaeda members still left there, more ominous issues in…
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United States & United Kingdom: Special & “Essential”
By Steve on May 30, 2011
President Obama has just returned from a State visit to the United Kingdom where he and Prime Minister David Cameron cemented the ongoing “special relationship” between the two countries and then took it up a…
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I’m back… and some thoughts!
By Steve on May 20, 2011
I had made it a point at the beginning of this year that I would get much more frequent with my blog posts. I’ve come to like this little trafficked corner of cyberspace and enjoy the interaction…
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Nobel Peace Prize puts China “On Tilt”
By Steve on December 11, 2010
In the 1998 film Rounders Matt Damon narrates the subtleties of No Limit Texas Hold-up poker: A brilliant player can get a strong hand cracked, go on tilt…and lose his mind along with every single…
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Nobel Peace Prize for Liu Xiaobo
By Steve on October 10, 2010
Chinese dissident and Tiananmen Square alumni Liu Xiaobo is serving an eleven year prison sentence for “inciting subversion of state power.” He also just won the Nobel Prize for Peace. In and out of prison…
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Do You Have a Flag?
By Steve on August 30, 2010
I recently wrote a few posts back about the developing problem of territorial claims in the South China Sea. Well, it just keeps getting more interesting and for those of you outside the Asia Pacific…
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Balance of Power: The South China Sea
By Steve on August 6, 2010
Balance of Power politics are back! Recently China had re-iterated its sovereignty over the entire South China Sea as being one of its “core interests”. Such a declaration upped the International stakes as it essentially…
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July 4th Cold War Comfort Food
By Steve on July 4, 2010
Maybe its just me, but doesn’t it feel good to be fighting the Russians again! Last week’s breakup of a major Soviet (sorry, I mean Russian) spy ring of deep undercover agents infiltrating American suburbia…