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5 Reasons American Evangelicals Are Going To Vote For Trump Again
By Steve on June 14, 2017
In November 2016 Donald Trump defied the predictions of pundits and pollsters alike to become the 45th President of the United States. Evangelical Christians were largely responsible for this upset with the 81% support they…
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Mark Driscoll’s “Obama Tweet”: How Should We Pray For Our Leaders?
By Steve on January 24, 2013
Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God. I was disturbed this week to see a tweet which has gone viral by Pastor Mark Driscoll in which he calls into question…
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Weekend Update: Hobbits, Russians, and Obama
By Steve on January 14, 2013
It’s the weekend which means I’m allowed to go a little off topic on events which I find a bit interesting: Gerard Depardieu becomes Russian Everyone’s favorite Frenchman isn’t French anymore! Yes, this week Gerard…
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Thanksgiving: From A Democrat and Republican perspective
By Steve on November 23, 2012
Happy Thanksgiving! I love living in Hong Kong but at times like this you really feel the pull toward family back home and gathering around the dinner table to celebrate… and if you are a Detroiter…to…
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The Kingdom of God vs. The American Republic
By Steve on November 21, 2012
There was a movie a few years back starring Chris Sarandon as Jesus called The Day Christ Died. Even though its been a long time since I’ve seen it, a line from it still sticks…
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Time for a Separation of Church & GOP
By Steve on November 12, 2012
Every year, particularly during the election and Christmas seasons, Americans argue…a lot! And what do they argue about? Well, probably the arguments that generate the most passion center on this; How much Christianity can be…
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The U.S. Election vs. The Kingdom of God
By Steve on November 8, 2012
Yesterday there was a lot of emotion in America. President Barack Obama secured his re-election bid over the Republican challenger Mitt Romney in a marathon campaign that involved a lot of mud-slinging on both sides….
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Time for Christians to Put Away their Swords
By Steve on November 6, 2012
Last week I wrote a post on the Lord’s Supper. When Rob Bell was asked what he would do differently if he started another church he quickly answered he would have the group take…
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Does the Chinese Government understand Christianity better than America?
By Steve on September 16, 2012
I was in a meeting a couple weeks ago with some Americans and the topic of the U.S. election came up. O.K., full disclosure, I was watching the Republican National Convention with a group from…
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How not to get Sucked into Election Season Madness
By Steve on September 7, 2012
Wow, my Facebook news feed has really changed lately. I knew the 2012 political season was in full swing when the normal posts featuring my “friend’s” travel adventures, babies being born, and what they had…