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Hanging out with the Republicans!
By Steve on October 18, 2010
Its hard to beat the fast paced cosmopolitan nature of Hong Kong life… but as we approach the U.S. mid-term elections on November 2, I do feel a little nostalgic for some good old fashioned American partisan…
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Restore the Sanity 2010
By Steve on September 18, 2010
I try not to blog too often on Jon Stewart and the Daily Show…else I would hardly blog about anything else…but when he announced his “Restore the Sanity” rally for October 30 in Washington DC,…
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Conviction & Compassion: or What to do with my Democrat, Muslim, and Gay friends
By Steve on August 28, 2010
I recently had dinner with a new friend here in Hong Kong. We had been talking about different cuisines and I had been bemoaning the fact that my favorite Lebanese restaurant had closed. When I…
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Good-bye Robert Culp
By Steve on March 27, 2010
Actor Robert Culp passed away this week and I just want to take a moment to pay tribute to the man for the small part of my life he influenced. Many obituaries focus on his…
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Selling Fear
By Steve on March 5, 2010
Would someone please save the Republicans from themselves! One of the charges that gets leveled at the GOP on a regular basis is that when they don’t have anything of substance to offer, they sell…
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On Fox News, Palin, and my 2010 vote
By Steve on February 7, 2010
I’m thrilled that after so many years of watching video clips of the BBC World Service on the web, I finally have the 24 hour news channel in my own house. My cable subscriber here…
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Tuesday’s Election Recap
By Steve on November 6, 2009
“The rumors of my demise are greatly exaggerated” said a witty Mark Twain more than a century ago. Perhaps the same could be said of the Republican Party. Last night’s GOP victories for the Governorships…
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Where are you Bill Buckley?
By Steve on October 26, 2009
I was watching the Daily Show with Jon Stewart the other day and, in between laughs, was forced, when confronted with witty and intelligent liberal satire, to bemoan the sad state of affairs when it…
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My thoughts on Mark Sanford
By Steve on June 27, 2009
There is at least one person who is benefiting from the sudden death of Michael Jackson. The passing of the pop icon effectively knocked the peccadilloes of South Carolina Governor Mark Sanford off the front…
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Goodbye Mr. Kemp
By Steve on May 4, 2009
Former Congressman, HUD Secretary, and 1996 GOP Vice-Presidential candidate Jack Kemp passed away on Sat. of cancer surrounded at his bedside with both family and minister. For many of us who were politically honed in…