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Your Kingdom Come & The Lord’s Prayer
By Steve on December 12, 2012
How many times have you said the Lord’s prayer? If you have been a Christian, particularly from childhood, you will have recited it perhaps more times than can be remembered. Me too…but now I’m praying…
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What Really is a “Good” Christian? Part 2
By Steve on December 9, 2012
In my last post I began a discussion on what really is a “good” Christian? We left off with Jesus talking about the parable of the vineyard owner in Matthew 21 implying that what a…
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What Really is a “Good” Christian? Part 1
By Steve on December 6, 2012
Ever wonder what makes someone a “good” Christian? I do. Hardly a week goes by where I don’t have someone tell me some other person is or isn’t a “good” Christian. When it happens I…
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What God Can Do With Your Biggest Mistakes
By Steve on December 2, 2012
Have you ever wondered why Jesus will rule from the Throne of David forever? I mean why would God’s throne, the throne that Jesus will reign from be named after a man and not Jesus…
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Overcoming Fear: Or How Not to “Say” and “Do” Silly Things
By Steve on November 22, 2012
When people encountered God or angels in the Bible pretty much the first thing they they said to those they went to visit was, “Don’t be afraid”! Yes, we humans tend to be a fearful…
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When Christians do bad but think they do good!
By Steve on November 18, 2012
“Mr. Hackman, is it hard for you to be the good man and then suddenly become so bad and mean?” the young Primary (Elementary) school student asked me. Oh wait, let me explain… Last week…
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The U.S. Election vs. The Kingdom of God
By Steve on November 8, 2012
Yesterday there was a lot of emotion in America. President Barack Obama secured his re-election bid over the Republican challenger Mitt Romney in a marathon campaign that involved a lot of mud-slinging on both sides….
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Prophecy & Nationalism? Proceed With Caution
By Steve on October 4, 2012
“In my opinion, the next event on the prophetic calendar will be the rapture of the church. I think that could happen at any moment and as we see all of these other things happening…
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Keeping Heaven, and Toy Story Land, in our Hearts!
By Steve on September 25, 2012
Ethan just stood…and stared! One of the best things about living in Hong Kong is that I have a Disneyland about 30 minutes from where we live. Yes, God, in his infinite wisdom and knowing I…
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Book Review: Things Unseen by Mark Buchanan
By Steve on September 22, 2012
If there is is a passion for me right now, it would have to be the Kingdom of Heaven. For someone who spent years (decades) as a political junkie, I think many who have known…