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Gun totin’ 7-yr olds!
By Steve on October 8, 2010
Couldn’t believe this when I read it but a school board in Broward County Florida has upheld a school expulsion for a seven year old boy who brought a toy gun to school! A lot…
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Movie Review: The Expendables
By Steve on September 2, 2010
Got to go see The Expendables this week. Even before I saw it here in Hong Kong, the box office success in U.S. seemed to indicate I wasn’t the first Reagan America weaned, over 40…
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Mel Gibson’s Fall from Grace
By Steve on July 13, 2010
2004 was a banner year for Mel Gibson. His Passion of the Christ defied critics to be one of the most acclaimed (and profitable) movies of all time. He was the darling of both Hollywood…
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Top 10 Guy Flicks
By Steve on October 18, 2009
Time to take a break from politics & theology and blog about other important things…like movies. I was watching Dirty Harry this week and started musing about my top 10 “Guy Flicks” (I’m hopelessly addicted…