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My Year End Book Reviews 2011
By Steve on December 31, 2011
On December 30 with one day to spare I met my goal of finishing Susanna Clark’s novel Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell before the end of 2011. It is a huge tome of a novel…
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Lovin’ on my Kindle!
By Steve on October 19, 2010
I have a confession to make! I’ve been seeing a mistress. The really embarrassing thing is that I was introduced to her by my wife Tammy. And now my life will never be the same……
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You have to watch “Centennial”!
By Steve on August 17, 2010
Ok, but first you should read Centennial. In 1999 I decided to tackle James Michener’s celebrated novel about rugged Colorado…if for no other reason than I was getting ready to move there in just a…
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On Anne Rice and Christianity
By Steve on August 2, 2010
The blog-o-sphere seems to be lit up lately with the news that author Anne Rice has left Christianity. The news though isn’t all bad as she declares an unswerving faith in Jesus Christ…its just some…