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Happy Birthday to The Gipper!
By Steve on February 7, 2011
He would have been 100 years old today! Across America, Cenetennial celebrations are being carried out to mark what would have been the 100th birthday of former President Ronald Wilson Reagan. I miss the Gipper! He…
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Best Movies Ever: “The Right Stuff” or My thoughts on how to get Obama to fund the American space program again!
By Steve on January 29, 2011
Yesterday I felt this compulsion to watch “The Right Stuff” the 1983 film chronicling the test flights of Chuck Yeager and first flights of the original Mercury 7 astronauts. My friend Tom reminded me on…
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America: Let’s make “Civility” contagious!
By Steve on January 13, 2011
The shooting in Tucson was tragic! Twenty people shot, 6 fatally including a 9 year old girl and a United States Congresswoman who is in critical condition with a bullet through her head I won’t…
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Christmas Shopping with Obama and the Republicans
By Steve on December 22, 2010
Its Christmas time and President Obama and the Republicans have been out shopping just for you. Using China President Hu Jiantao’s Platinum MasterCard they have bought a mountain of presents for the American people I…
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Restore the Sanity 2010
By Steve on September 18, 2010
I try not to blog too often on Jon Stewart and the Daily Show…else I would hardly blog about anything else…but when he announced his “Restore the Sanity” rally for October 30 in Washington DC,…
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Water on the Moon
By Steve on November 16, 2009
One of the most incredible scientific discoveries in my lifetime occurred this week. There is water on the moon! Recently, NASA plummeted a capsule into the moon’s surface at 3500 miles an hour to create…
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Obama & Nobel
By Steve on October 11, 2009
Wow! So President Obama won the Nobel Peace Prize. Although everyone, including the President, is a little shocked at this little sudden turn, we really shouldn’t be. This follows the natural order of events surrounding…
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Obama & Gitmo
By Steve on September 27, 2009
Like most people I have a little “I told you so” reflex that I have to keep under wraps on occasion. But whenever I make a prediction, particularly a political one that comes to pass,…
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Bad Form Rep. Wilson
By Steve on September 10, 2009
In 1998 President Bill Clinton, along with Hillary and Chelsea, made a trip to Hong Kong where we were living at the time. The President’s limousine slowly traveled right past Tammy and Gabriel at one…
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On the Healthcare Debate Pt.1
By Steve on August 23, 2009
My friend and reader of this blog Bob recently asked me to do a post on my take of the healthcare debate. Ahhh…healthcare! First of all the Republicans are reaping what they sowed. The American…