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Apollo 8 Reminds Us that God Says the Earth is Good!
By Steve on December 19, 2012
In December of 1968, the crew of the American spacecraft Apollo 8 became the first human beings to travel to and orbit the moon.Today we have grown used to seeing views of the earth from…
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In Memorium: Neil Armstrong
By Steve on August 27, 2012
America lost one of her legends yesterday. Apollo 11 commander Neil Armstrong, the first man to set foot on the moon, died at the age of 82. Armstrong landed on the moon on July 21,…
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Superman & Apollo 13
By Steve on December 4, 2011
Items from two of my favorite interests, Superman and the American space program, netted big bucks at auctions this week.The very first comic introducing Superman to the world, Action Comics Issue 1, sold for US$…
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The Space Shuttle’s Final Voyage
By Steve on July 11, 2011
Last Friday the space shuttle Atlantis made its final launch ending 30 years of a program that has seen more than its fair share of success and tragedy. For me, I can’t believe its been…
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Best Movies Ever: “The Right Stuff” or My thoughts on how to get Obama to fund the American space program again!
By Steve on January 29, 2011
Yesterday I felt this compulsion to watch “The Right Stuff” the 1983 film chronicling the test flights of Chuck Yeager and first flights of the original Mercury 7 astronauts. My friend Tom reminded me on…
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Do You Have a Flag?
By Steve on August 30, 2010
I recently wrote a few posts back about the developing problem of territorial claims in the South China Sea. Well, it just keeps getting more interesting and for those of you outside the Asia Pacific…
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Water on the Moon
By Steve on November 16, 2009
One of the most incredible scientific discoveries in my lifetime occurred this week. There is water on the moon! Recently, NASA plummeted a capsule into the moon’s surface at 3500 miles an hour to create…
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Apollo 11 Anniversary
By Steve on July 20, 2009
Since man began walking on this earth we have looked up at the moon with the dream of one day travelling there. Early science fiction writers such as Jules Verne speculated on what a trip…
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Chinese Space Walk
By Steve on September 27, 2008
In the last 24 hours, two notable events occured. Senators John McCain & Barak Obama squared off for their first televised debate for the U.S. Presidency. On the other side of the world, astronaut Zhai…