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Coast to Coast Trip: We’re Off!!
By Steve on June 30, 2012
In 12 hours Gabriel and I will begin a journey 16 years in the making. We our packing our suitcases and backpacks and assuring ourselves that what ever we forget we’ll be able to purchase…
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My Spring 2012 Reading List
By Steve on June 13, 2012
We’re into June and that means its time for a reading list update. If you’ve been following the blog at all you know I’ve been on roll reading books concerning Christianity, the church, theology etc….
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Christianity Without “Hooks”
By Steve on June 9, 2012
What if sharing Christianity came without hooks? What if “bait & switch” evangelistic tactics were scrapped all together? How does one introduce another to the Life Christ brings if we aren’t allowed to use a little well- intentioned manipulation occasionally?…
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Steve’s Letter to the Editor
By Steve on June 3, 2012
Some of you saw my photo on Facebook of the “Letter to the Editor” that I wrote and was published in the South China Post newspaper this week. Some asked for a full reprint as…
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Walking Home From Mongolia with Rob Lilwall
By Steve on May 29, 2012
Last Sat. afternoon Tammy, the boys and myself had the opportunity to walk with Rob Lilwall and his companion, Leon McCarron, on the final stage of their 5,000 kilometer walk from Mongolia, through the Gobi…
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When Heaven Touches Earth: La Sagrada Familia
By Steve on May 6, 2012
Sorry for the delay in posts but I just returned from 10 days in Spain. What a beautiful country! And more generally, what is it about Europe that is just so darn cool? The food,…
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20th Anniversary!
By Steve on April 6, 2012
Ah yes, the baby!! Just a quick little post to celebrate my wife Tammy and I’s 20th anniversary. As I mentioned previously on my blog, Tam & I met nearly 22 years ago (actually Oct…
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The Book that is bringing my “Spiritual Mojo” back!
By Steve on March 11, 2012
I’ve been a Christian for 36 years and in all of that time I can name 3 or 4 moments where I met a person, attended an event, or, as in this case, read a…
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2012 Oscars: My predictions
By Steve on February 27, 2012
Well its 3 hours as I write this until the 84th Academy Awards. In Hong Kong its a Monday morning hence I need to take a vacation day in order to throw my little annual…
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Why I don’t do “Valentine’s Day”
By Steve on February 15, 2012
I surprised my students the other day. They asked me during class what I and Mrs. Hackman would be doing for Valentine’s Day? “Probably nothing.” I replied. They were a bit taken aback figuring a…