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Diversity: or How America makes Americans
By Steve on September 25, 2011
My 9 month old son, Ethan George, attended his first Republican meeting this week. Being that I am in Hong Kong I need to qualify that statement to say I am referring to the American…
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Seeing Kevin Spacey live as “Richard III” in Hong Kong
By Steve on September 18, 2011
Last June I got an e-mail from Hong Kong ticketing that the current London West End production of Richard IIIstarring Oscar winner Kevin Spacey would be coming to Hong Kong in September and ticket sales…
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Remembering Sept.11, 2001
By Steve on September 13, 2011
Has it really been 10 years?Our phone rang and Tammy answered. I saw her face furl a bit and she turned to me, “Its Donna, she said a plane has just flown into the World…
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Star Trek at 45!
By Steve on September 8, 2011
On September 8th 1966 a lttle TV show named Star Trek debuted for the first time on NBC. It told the tale of the crew of the Starship Enterprise’s journey to explore strange new worlds, seek out…
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Christian Movies: They’re getting better!
By Steve on August 26, 2011
If you were a Christian during the Jesus Movement of the 1970’s you may have seen (some may say subjected to) films such as A Thief in the Night or The Mark of the Beast….
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Belief – o – Matic
By Steve on August 22, 2011
On my brother’s blog he posted the results of an online test at Beliefnet that matches your beliefs with a number of different religions. I was curious and although the nuance of some of the questions left…
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USA Trip 2011: New Orleans Lousiana & Boulder Colorado
By Steve on August 10, 2011
Just got back from a couple weeks in the United States. When Tammy and I used to visit the States in the 1990’s, we split the time between Detroit (my home town) and Louisiana (Tammy’s home state). Now…
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The Space Shuttle’s Final Voyage
By Steve on July 11, 2011
Last Friday the space shuttle Atlantis made its final launch ending 30 years of a program that has seen more than its fair share of success and tragedy. For me, I can’t believe its been…
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Where are you (really) from?
By Steve on July 8, 2011
As a Westerner living in Hong Kong one of the questions I get asked on a regular basis is, “So, where are you from?” This question will be asked at dinner parties, church functions, the…
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“Planking” in Australia
By Steve on July 6, 2011
I was surprised a couple weeks ago when my 13 year old son Gabriel came bounding into my office, dove onto my couch and just laid there face down pinning his arms flush against his side with his feet…