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Aaron Sorkin and The Social Network
By Steve on November 20, 2010
Aaron Sorkin and I have never met. He would have no idea who I am…and yet I have made an unofficial bargain with him. Whatever TV show or movie he writes the story for, I…
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Good Bye Tom Bosley…we’ll miss you Mr. C!
By Steve on October 21, 2010
Just a quick post to note the passing of Tom Bosley, or as we “over 40’s” affectionately remember him as, “Mr. C’ from Happy Days. Watching Happy Days was a rite of passage growing up…
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Twin Peaks 20th Anniversary
By Steve on August 25, 2010
Hard to believe its been 20 years since Twin Peaks first aired. Twenty years since half America stood around water coolers discussing the question du jour; “Who Killed Laura Palmer?” Twin Peaks, for the uninitiated,…
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You have to watch “Centennial”!
By Steve on August 17, 2010
Ok, but first you should read Centennial. In 1999 I decided to tackle James Michener’s celebrated novel about rugged Colorado…if for no other reason than I was getting ready to move there in just a…
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LOST: In this place, there is no Now
By Steve on May 27, 2010
(Warning: Spoilers ahead!) I can hardly believe its over! After 6 years of trudging through the jungles, the television series LOST came to a successful conclusion. I must admit, I like many other LOST fans…
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Why I’ve gotten “LOST”
By Steve on April 17, 2010
The best show on television? For me, far and away, it would be the ABC mystery drama, LOST. Since its premiere in the fall of 2004 it has been a trip down Alice’s rabbit hole…
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Good-bye Robert Culp
By Steve on March 27, 2010
Actor Robert Culp passed away this week and I just want to take a moment to pay tribute to the man for the small part of my life he influenced. Many obituaries focus on his…
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I See Four Lights!!!
By Steve on November 8, 2009
In George Orwell’s 1984, the protagonist, Winston Smith, is captured and tortured by the State towards the end of the story. As part of his re-education he is shown 4 lights and is asked how…
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In Memorium: Dom Deluise 1933-2009
By Steve on May 6, 2009
I had not intended to write so many “in Memorium” blogs but when someone passes who has had an impact on my life, I feel I need to pause for a moment, reflect on that…