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Film / In Memorium / Television

Ron Silver 1946-2009

By Steve on March 17, 2009

Character actor Ron Silver has passed away after a two year battle with cancer. I blog about this for two reasons: 1: Ron Silver was a wonderful actor who I have enjoyed immensely through the…

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Life on Mars axed!

By Steve on March 7, 2009

Ok, I’m a little irritated! One of my favorite TV shows was just cancelled and I want to sound off. In an earlier post I mentioned some of the new shows this fall season that…

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Film / Television

Joaquin Phoenix on David Letterman

By Steve on February 13, 2009

OK, no deep thoughts, discourse, or editorial here. Just plain funny! Joaquin Phoenix was on David Letterman last night and made a complete fool out of himself. Letterman at first was being gracious but finally…

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The Fall T.V. Season Pt. 2

By Steve on November 16, 2008

As promised, I continue with a little review on a mere slice of the Fall TV season in America. Last time I looked at some of the new shows the Hackman’s have been downloading on…

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Obama / Politics / Television

The New West Wing

By Steve on November 8, 2008

Back around 2000 when people asked me why I loved the TV show The West Wing I would reply that it was the best Science Fiction show on. When I was given a quizzical look…

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Politics / Television

Saturday Night Sarah

By Steve on October 19, 2008

For a number of weeks Tina Fey has been doing a spot on impersonation of Gov. Sarah Palin on Saturday Night Live. Last Sat. Gov. Palin got to turn the tables on Tina as she…

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Film / Television

Addicted to I Tunes

By Steve on September 25, 2008

Since moving to China, the availability of English speaking TV shows have taken a bit of a nose dive. I always knew people that watched TV on their computer either by streaming or download, but…