At Beyond the Pale we see LIFE as a pilgrimage. And being a Pilgrim means seeing life around you through a different lens. Instead of a world of fear and suspicion you see a world and the people in it with potential, possibility, creativity, and delight.
As pilgrims we want to:
draw inspiration from the journey itself as much as the destination
embrace other pilgrims on the journey as friends and not competitors
encourage others on their journey no matter where on life’s trail they happen to be
Sign up and “Join the Pilgrimage” so Tammy and I can keep in touch, exchange stories, and encourage one another with “tales from the Trail”
It’s going to be a Buen Camino!
Blessed are those whose strength is in you,
whose hearts are set on pilgrimage… – Psalm 84:5
Join The Pilgrimage
Comments or questions are welcome.
Hey, it’s so nice to connect with you. I trust all is well and that life is treating you kindly.
Hey, thanks for the message. Best to you on your journey in 2025!