Election 2010 recap
Tuesday’s election came and went leaving a result everyone pretty much anticipated. Recently I had connected here in Hong Kong with the Republicans Abroad and so received an invite to their gathering downtown to watch the GOP tide roll in.
I caught the 6:30 AM ferry from my place on Park Island and spent the 22 minute ferry ride downtown simply trying to wake up. The Whiskey Priest pub hosted the event and due to the 7:00 AM start, was ready with a buffet of eggs, sausage, bacon, hash browns, and bottomless pots of coffee. The large screen TV was tuned to Fox News (I know, I know, but it was a Republican event, what can you do) and slowly a large group of American Republican Hong Kongers (that’s a mouthful huh?) filled the pub.
What struck me was that as we hooped and hollered to the results coming in from half a world away was that these guys, whom I had only just met, echoed my own sentiments about the election. Essentially the Republicans, after the spanking they received in ’06, and ’08, needed to do some in house surgery. Some strong, intelligent, and charismatic leadership needed to develop and a cogent policy platform that would have broader appeal needed to to constructed.
With the implosion of the Democrats in the last year, those needed adjustments have been ignored and Republicans may be deluded with Tuesdays result into thinking the American people love us again.
They don’t!
Sarah Palin may have took a victory lap on Wednesday morning but she is the prime reason why the Republicans failed to win the Senate back as well as the House. Her irresponsible endorsements mobilized the Tea Party faithful around candidates of dubious quality at the expense of seasoned and proven winners.
I can’t blame her though, the lack of true leadership in the party makes the likes of her and some of the other crazy talking heads possible.
There is hope on the horizon though. Guys like Marco Rubio who won his senate seat in Florida seems to be a rising star with a good head on his shoulders (that alone makes him a welcome change for the Republicans)
Anyhow, I want to finish this little take on the election with a congratulations to good friends of mine that won this week. Mike Kopp who was reelected to his state senate seat in Colorado’s 22nd and to Scott Gessler who just became Colorado’s new Secretary of State. Fantastic job guys!
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Don’t apologize for watching Fox News. You know that I am no lock-step conservative Republican but some of their coverage beats the others hands down.
I enjoyed your retrospective and agree 100% about Sarah Palin. Her reality television brand of politics is a huge turn-off and someone needs to find a nice way to lead her quietly into the night.
Thanks Bob, I do like watching O’Reilly.
BTW, I saw your recap as well and agree with your thought on Charlie Crist. I like him everytime I hear him speak. Some of the guys at our table here watching the election were fans of Rubio so I though, “OK…maybe”
I’ve got close friends in the States that LOVE Sarah Palin. I don’t get it at all…