
Episode 003: A Pilgrim on the Camino de Santiago

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If you’ve listened to our 000 episode you know that in April last year I walked the 500 mile Camino de Santiago pilgrimage in northern Spain with my teen age son Gabriel.   For 31 days I got up in the morning, started walking, ate, and went to sleep. That was it… Well, add to that hanging out with a lot of new friends and drinking a fair bit of Spanish wine too… but Taking myself out of the daily schedule of work and other responsibilities for a month and allowing a time to just reflect on life, family, God, was life changing for me.

Hey, I’m 49 years old…

I found myself asking, “What fruitful life can I bring to myself, my wife, my kids, my friends and ultimately the world around me in the years I have remaining.”

The rhythm of walking is remarkably conducive to contemplation… After 31 days travelling across Spain I arrived at the cathedral in Santiago with a greater love for my fellow man, a better understanding of myself and a relationship with God that continues to exceed all expectations. Add to that I realised I had become a life long pilgrim. That my pilgrim status didn’t end in Santiago but really only started. I see my life and faith now as a journey and I was hoping you’ll want to join me on the adventure. How can you start? Well, you already are listening to the podcast. If you like what you hear….Come visit Beyond the Pale at stevehackman.net and click on the “join the pilgrimage”.   Tammy and I are looking forward to walking the journey with you.


Hey, and if you like the podcast, you can support it by subscribing to Beyond the Pale, rating , and giving us a little review. Would be a big help!

And with that lets get going, as we hit the trail and go Beyond the Pale on The Camino de Santiago!



