
Episode 012: My “Gay Christian” Friend with Nic J


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Hi Pilgrim, glad you are back.  Tammy and I have a real treat for you this week.  When I was first musing this idea of expanding my blog Beyond the Pale into a weekly podcast I of course was nic Jthinking about what topics to explore and who could be the people who could help bring those topics to life through their personal experience and humanity.

There is probably no topic in society or the church that is being wrestled with more right now than the acceptance of rights for gay, lesbian, queer, and transgendered people. But even as society in the West has seen seismic change in recognition of LGBT people, the Christian church seems to be becoming increasingly divided on the issue.

Today’s guest is my friend Nic J. Nic brings a wonderful perspective to this issue as he shares his life story as the son of a pentacostal pastor who wrestled with his sexual orientation from childhood to the point of contemplating suicide in his desperate attempts to please God and the church.

Nic eventually finds freedom and no matter where you stand on this issue, you will be moved and inspired. Tammy and I were!

A couple things…we were having some mic troubles during the recording so we ended up huddling around a single mic rather than rescheduling. So if sometimes Tammy or my questions and comments are a little faded…that’s why.


Hey, and by the way, we hit 1000 downloads for Beyond the Pale so thanks to all of you that are listening and joining us on this pilgrimage together. But I tell you, we have 1000 downloads but only 3 comments at the Beyond the Pale page at the itunes store. So go over there right now and give us a rating and a comment…it sure helps. You can even say I sound to whiney…
Hey and with that lets hit the trail, and go beyond the Pale with Nic J and “My Gay Christian Friend”


Check out this episode!
