
Episode 021: Time For Christians To Grow Up with Andrew Hackman

Episode 021: Time For Christians To Grow Up with Andrew Hackman





Episode 021: Time for Christians to Grow Up

Show Notes:

Hi Pilgrim,

Today my brother Andrew returns …or should I say we both returned recently to our hometown outside IMG_5195Detroit Michigan.  Mom and dad are moving to Florida (as most people from Michigan do when they reach a certain age) so along with our youngest brother we celebrated a last hurrah in our childhood home before it is sold.

And since we were together Andrew and I couldn’t resist doing another podcast together.  Andrew’s story on his journey to atheism from Christianity back in episodes 4 & 5 are some of the most downloaded episodes here at Beyond the Pale.  If you haven’t listened to them, download them ASAP. You’ll hear how a Bible quizzing champ and church planter journeyed toward atheisim and yet became more Christ like in the process

On today’s episode Andrew and I didn’t have a topic per say.  We sat in our parent’s basement with a couple adult beverages of choice and shot the breeze over topics such as:


  • Why Christians tend to trumpet the 10 Commandments but seem mute on the Sermon on the Mount
  • How Christians can stop acting childish without loosing a child likeness as well as why Christians need to take responsibility for their decisions and stop pawning them off on God so much of the time.
  • In and amidst of it all Tammy chimes in on the experience she has had as she has grown more comfortable questioning some of the “pillars of her faith” 

We end the episode a little abruptly as it leads into us calling Andy’s wife Marylee down into the basement lair to discuss what it was like to watch her husband go from Christian to Atheist.  We decided to hold that for a whole nother episode next week.


And now, once again, lets hit the trail, and go beyond the pale…which in this case is my parent’s basement, for episode 021.  Time for Christians to Grow up with Andrew Hackman…and you have to appreciate the irony of two brothers doing a podcast with that title from their parents basement.  It conjures up images of Wayne’s World doesn’t it?  But enough talking, time to get on the road…let’s go!



Episode Index:

2:00- The 10 Commandments vs. The Sermon on the Mountsoundcloud

8:39- Tammy’s experiences questioning “pillars of her faith”

16:45- Why Christians should stop acting childish

21:35- Getting Christians to take responsibility for their decisions

30:46- Why some Christians have more in common with some atheists than with other Christians
Check out this episode!

1 comment

  • Sherry

    Can’t wait to hear this!

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