Episode 032: Election 2016- It’s (NOT) The End Of The World As We Know It
Intro Music: Ventura Tyler Bates
Featured Music: It’s the End of the World as We Know It REM
Sympathy For the Devil The Rolling Stones
What a Wonderful World Louie Armstrong
Featured Location: Little Mario’s Pizzeria
Martin Daniel joins me at Little Mario’s Pizzeria to analyse the 2016 election and get perspectives on the Donald Trump win from different folk around the world.
Episode Index
7:19- Jon Stewart’s perspective
13:45- A Singaporean perspective
16:47- Seth Myer’s perspective
20:30- A British perspective
25:50- Jonathan Pie’s perspective
28:50- A Scottish perspective
45:50- Trevor Noah’s perspective
56:00- An American perspective
Check out this episode!
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Very revealing. I wish you had been more fair in your treatment of our President Elect Trump and those of us who supported him. Apparently you hoped that Bernie Sanders should have won as you stated on the show. You said that “We should not hate…and should express Love” and yet you played interviews from people that hate Donald Trump and have expressed that hatred many times. You did admit that you were wrong and that is a good start to living as a repentant “Red Letter” kinda guy. When you play interviews on your blog that shows hatred for Trump as a “Tribal” anti-multicultural bigot” I think you and your thinly veiled hatred for your fellow “White Christian Old Republicans” is distatsteful. Maybe you would be more “Fair” with less biased positions that undermine people that love Christ and His Word in stead of Socialist type people that abjure “The F–cking Right Wing” as one of your recorded people angrily commented. I really expected better from you Steve and Tammy (she doesn’t listen to news except the people who pander anti-Trump propoganda). Please help heal wounds instead of flaming the fires of distrust and negativism against your brothers and sisters in Faith in Jesus Christ.