Episode 036: We Have No King But Caesar with Adam Benner

Show Notes
Intro music Ventura Tyler Bates
Featured music Jesus Christ Superstar (UK 1996 recording)
Adam Benner’s blog article No King But Caesar
Hi Pilgrim,

Adam & his wife Renee
I continue my chat with former evangelical missionary Adam Benner. In part one of our talk Adam shared how he went from a “right wing” fundamentalist Christianity soaked in American nationalism to a more Christlike faith whose only nationalism can be found in Kingdom that Jesus came to announce.
We use a recent blog article he wrote called “No King But Caesar” as a jumping off point to a discussion on how Christianity has historically fell into the trap of taking power offered to it by the civic governments of the time and no more so than to be found in the recent election of Donald J Trump in 2016.
Christians can’t seem to resist the offer Jesus turned down in the wilderness and Adam has some great perspectives on why that is. I don’t know about you but it was kind of embarrassing to see all these Christians screaming for Barabbas during the recent presidential election. They were quite ready to set the Way Jesus taught us in order to welcome in a guy who will make America great again…who will stand against the foreigners, muslims, gays, socialists, and others we see as Gentile. Well, we got Barabbas, lets see what happens now
I loved talking with Adam and I know you are going to enjoy listening in on this episode
iTunes description: Former evangelical missionary Adam Benner talks with Steve on why the church frequently gives into the temptation to grasp for political power highlighting the recent American election as an example.
Show Index
4:40- American evangelical patriotism
15:35- Why evangelicals voted for Trump
23:32- Putting the American Kingdom first
36:43- Street cred needed to critique evangelicalism
Check out this episode!