Episode 037: Assisted Suicide-Dying With Dignity with David Young

Intro Music: Ventura Tyler Bates
Featured Music: Free Will RUSH
Hi pilgrim,
Our friend David Young returns to discuss a very difficult topic; When is it OK to seek a physician’s help to end life? Which is a polite way of saying “When does the act of suicide seem justifiable..if ever? And if you listened to our previous talk with David back in episode 29 you know this topic is not just theoretical but very relevant. You see David is dying of the degenerative neurological disease ALS.
I really enjoy talking to David. I love his spirit, his inquisitive mind, and his attitude of peace towards those of us like me, in the “faith camp”
Thats why I wanted to podcast with him as much as possible but when I asked him what topic he wanted to cover and David replied, “Physician assisted suicide” I gulped.
I wasn’t sure I wanted to go there especially knowing his illness. I do like going Beyond the Pale but wondered if this was really an exploration we were up for.
Were some questions not meant to be asked? But hey, its us! And we like to ask questions even when the answers might be a bit difficult. In this episode we explore life, death and suffering as David shares with us the journey is on.
This is the toughest podcast we have done so far and you’ll see by the end it just plain leaves Tammy speechless.
Get ready to go Beyond the Pale!
iTunes intro:David Young returns and discusses with Steve & Tammy the ethics involved with physician assisted suicide and his personal views as a person living with a terminal illness. Along the way they discuss the nature of suffering and whether someone should be able to choose to “die with dignity”.
Show Index
4:23- Rationals for / against assisted suicide
9:28- Why legal positions are changing
17:38- Is there value to suffering?
17:56- Tammy’s thoughts
26:20- Steve’s hope
39:04- Physician Assisted Suicide unpacked
Check out this episode!
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I really enjoyed your open and honest discussion on this hard topic. Much love to David and his family. Susan Oakley ( Smith). Yarmouth, NS, formerly of Herring Cove.
Thanks Susan!