
Episode 052: Is Your Nationalism At Odds With God’s Kingdom? (w/ Giles Parker)



Show Notes

Intro music: Ventura Tyler Bates

Featured Music: Real Real Real Jesus Jones

Giles Parker in Hong Kong

Hi Pilgrim,

For many Americans, nationalism and patriotism are as much a part of their Christianity as any teaching of Christ.  But does God see America as “exceptional” in the same way Americans do?  Which flag do we really fly higher?  When does our allegiance to earthly countries put us at odds with God’s Country.  Former pastor Giles Parker explores these questions with Steve & Tammy on this weeks episode.

Buen Camino,

Steve & Tammy

Show Index

13:14- Road to Emmaus

24:25- Erasing Boundaries

27:00- “I love America…but…”

36:21- Using Jesus for political agendas

51:20- Who is in God’s Kingdom?
Check out this episode!
