Episode 057: A Christian Girl Explores The Muslim World with Rebekah Pine Pt 1

Show Notes
Intro music: Ventura Tyler Bates
Featured music: Desert Rose Sting
Hi Pilgrim,
On today’s show Rebekah Pine shares her journey of being student of Middle East studies living in Egypt and Jordan and how years later, now a wife and mother of three children, feels a draw by God to return to Jordan to help alleviate the suffering of refugees fleeing from the Syrian civil war. Along the way Rebekah shares how her own faith was enriched and deepened as she navigated a Muslim world.
Buen Camino,
Steve & Tammy
Show Notes:
2:30- (Intro) Steve & Tammy muse about Shakespeare

Tammy & Rebekah
17:19- Rebekah shares how she first got interested in the Middle East
22:57- Moving to Egypt
26:10- Encountering the Muslim faith for the first time
42:10 – Having a humility in our understanding of God
43:14- Dialogue with Muslim friends
47:24- Rebekah shares anecdotes of being a female Hong Kong Chinese in the Middle East
50:52- Moving to Jordan
Check out this episode!