
Episode 061: Saving the Earth with Tre Cates (Pt. 1)




Hi pilgrim,

In today’s episode I sit down with Tre Cates to talk about the journey he has been on for the last twenty years. Tre has gone from being church planter to a successful entrepreneur of a tech company, and ultimately to becoming Chief Operating officer for the Savory Institute, which, if you are NOT one of the over 4 million people who have watched Allan Savory’s 2013 TED Talk, the Savory Institute is an organisation, that is saving the planet…literally!

Steve with Tre, Jen, and their son Preston

Tre has traveled to 6 continents and worked in 35 different countries for the Savory Institute consulting with organisations and government officials on applying regenerative holistic practices to land management that is making Earth that had been reduced to desert- green and arable again.

Tre sat down with me to share the journey of how he got to where he is now, as well as how the regenerative applications and practices they are learning to apply to the Earth can be applied to churches, businesses, governments and humanity as a whole…pretty much wherever 2 or more are gathered

….well, you get the point

Get ready to go Beyond the Pale with Tre Cates.



Show Notes:
2:40 (Intro) Tammy shares about how the family used Steve’s trip away to sneak two new puppies into the house

18:56: Tre shares his passion of seeing people’s lives transformed into who they were created to be

20:33: Tre questions “the system” from early on

27:50: Why church models are not sustainable

29:26: Embracing a decentralised “non-event” based community

42:42: Tre shares how his journey led him to ask “What was I put here for and how can I fulfill that purpose”

46:19 “Beautiful examples of creation in it’s complexity”

48:52: “We can have community, we can have real impact, we can serve people and you don’t need an organisation to do that”

Show Notes

Intro music: Ventura Tyler Bates

Featured Music: Mercy Mercy Me Marvin Gaye
Check out this episode!
