
Episode 091: Grace, Universalism, and All That Jazz with Kristian Holmes (Pt.1)



Kristian Holmes

Hi Pilgrim,

Kristian Holmes shares of his journey that took him out of a trajectory towards senior church leadership.

When an understanding of what Christ had done unraveled his grace vs. law paradigm, he and his wife had no choice but to blaze a new trail outside the church structure and the security, financial stability, and identity it had provided. Along the way they discover a God way bigger than they originally known.

Go Beyond the Pale with Kristian Holmes!

Buen Camino,

Steve & Tammy

Show Notes:

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Check out more about Kristian here

Episode Index:
2:15 (Intro) Steve & Tammy talk about what prayer looks like for them

27:27: Talking the Camino de Santiago

35:48: Kristian describes his spiritual journey

39:19: Introduced to “Universalism”

41:08: Kristian becomes “Born Again”…again

51:45: …but Fundamentalism doesn’t like to let go

58:50: How to connect with God outside of the church structure

Check out this episode!
