
Episode 79: Finding God in Other People with Steve Priest (Pt. 1)


Hi Pilgrim,

Steve Priest

What happens when you sincerely look for God…and He doesn’t show? When you seek but don’t find, knock and no one answers? Steve Priest shares his journey of looking to have a relationship with God he

perceived others to have but couldn’t seem to experience himself. What starts as a journey of frustration becomes much more alive as Steve begins to see God manifest through relationships with friends and interactions with the community.

Peace & Buen Camino,

Steve & Tammy

Get ready to go Beyond the Pale with Steve Priest!

Find episode at iTunes here

Find episode at Stitcher here

Episode Index:

1:44-    Intro- There are no coincidences / the Camino provides

15:15 – Meeting at Pete Rollins “Wake” event

24:53 – Steve’s Journey

29:59- When everyone else feels God but you don’t

32:32- When you can’t change people, start something new

42:22- Taking responsibility for our decisions and morality

Find episode at iTunes here

Find episode at Stitcher here


Check out this episode!
