
Justice Conference Asia 2014 May 22-24

justice-conference-asia-2014-web-bannerJust a quick post to promote the Justice Conference Asia 2014 conference starting this Thursday evening at the Vine Church in Wan Chai.  For those living in Hong Kong I highly recommend you try to attend the event.  This is the second year the Justice Conference has been in Hong Kong and if it is anything like last year, trust me when I say, you’ll be blessed and challenged at the same time. (Check out my reflections from last year’s Justice Conference here)

As Christians we can often be overwhelmed by the poverty and injustice in our communities and the world to the point that it just becomes easier to give a few dollars occasionally.  The Justice Conference is a great vehicle for helping us see that we can be active participants of Christ’s work in world today.shane

Even if you can’t make the whole conference I urge you to come out for the opening night on Thursday featuring Shane Claiborne!

Yes, I said Shane Claiborne!  (Do you need any more reasons to attend??)

For tickets and information check out the Justice Conference 2014 website here

I’ll be there and I hope to see you as well.

The Justice Conference Asia 2014 Promo from The Vine on Vimeo.
