
Sadly Jesus Just Ain’t God Enough (for many Christians)


JesusFacepalmSmall1I came to a rather sad conclusion this week that I know is going to sound a little weird.  Ok, call me crazy but I’m convinced Jesus just ain’t enough God for many Christians!

I know that sounds a tad like an oxymoron as the very definition of Christian (“little Christ” or Christ follower) would imply the complete buy-in to the whole Jesus is God thing, but apparently this isn’t the case.

Case in point, I found myself over this holiday weekend perusing a Christian news site.  I have a nasty habit of not blocking out friends on Facebook based on their religious or political perspective (mostly).  I don’t want my Facebook feed to simply be an echo chamber of only my own beliefs bounced back to me.  Anyhow, I found myself clicking on a post by a conservative Christian friend which took me to an article at a Christian news site.   I know what you’re thinking?

“A news site can be Christian?”

Let me tell you, it wasn’t.  It wasn’t as much about Jesus as it seemed to be focused on Ted Cruz, transgendered bathrooms, boycotts, Prince, Israel, and the doom America would face if it didn’t “turn back” to God.  In fact I’m fairly certain looking at the site that America and Israel were the only two countries on the planet.

But here’s the point.  A lot of articles wanted to invoke God’s judgment on certain actions and events going on in the world but when they did they didn’t invoke Jesus…

…they went to the Old Testament!

It was a lot of stuff like:

For behold, the LORD is about to come out from His place To punish the inhabitants of the earth for their iniquity; And the earth will reveal her bloodshed And will no longer cover her slain.

Isaiah 26:21

Yes, Jesus is God and the exact representation of his being (Heb 1:3) but sometimes we just need a God that can kick a little ass and take names.  A God that will stand up to encroaching sin in America (because despite 6000 years of recorded human history after all, the 240 years of America are obviously God’s focus).

Darn it, we just want a God that is going to defend “us” against “them” and Jesus had a nasty habit of doing the opposite.



Israel wanted Jesus to validate their belief and idea of a God of judgment who sided with Israel against those sinners on the “outside”.  Sadly, too many American Christians pine for this God.  The God who will not only defend our notions of right and wrong but will rain down judgment on those that don’t adhere.

Jesus rejected that understanding and was ultimately killed for it. That’s why Jesus’ notions of “loving our enemies and doing good to those who despitefully use us” are happily acknowledged but conveniently forgotten.  Sadly for many Christians..,

Jesus just ain’t enough God!




  • Rich Kifer

    This is such a sad, but true, 21st century reality. I’ve seen (and heard) way too many of the same viewpoints. I’ve been accused of not being a “true christian” for a whole host of reasons. I believe that a lot of christians look forward to God’s judgment on this “sinful” world and will be happy when “they get what’s coming to the.” Frankly, I am totally “sick” of “christianity.” It no longer reflects the life and ministry of Jesus. I really feel alone in this thing. If I one more thing about the fabulous “Creation Musem” and the 27 million dollar “Noah’s Ark,” I am going to puke. I’m sure Jesus would be thrilled with another theme park …….. that will make a lot of $$$$. I guess, basically, I’m so tired of “christians” looking like idiots. Their insistence that the earth is only 5000 years old is embarrassing. And there is surprise that the young generation is checking out! I’ve already been a little “edgy.” See, when I went to college and grad school, I was taught how to think and not what to think. Fundamentalism is so stuck in their belief that they take the Bible word for word literal. Oh when will the followers of Jesus finally understand that the Bible is a library and not a constitution. I guess that is why I find myself staying home on Sundays.

    • Steve

      Don’t be dismayed friend, you are not alone! 🙂

  • Here’s to you, Steve. Praying more folks who call themselves Christians would recognize the truth in the New Covenant.

    • Steve

      Thanks Susan! Very kind…

  • Gary Wedding

    Interesting,wouldnt quite put it that way.Need to be careful about motive,intent etc.

  • Adam Benner

    I don’t think we need God to turn around and defend America. We should just ask Gary Peyton to defend the perimeter and Dikembe Mutombo to defend the paint and the basket. They proved their defensive skills time and time again. Even God knows, that kind of defence may not be sexy, but it wins championships.

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