When the “Good News” Becomes “Good” Again!
By Steve on February 22, 2014
Two years ago I had a paradigm shift in my faith when I read Brian Zahnd’s Beauty Will Save The World. As I wrote then “I suddenly had my ‘spiritual mojo’ back!” In hindsight now…
Mick Mooney’s “Snap” Reveals A Pastor’s Breaking Point
By Steve on November 12, 2013
Ok, full confession. As a Christian of nearly 40 years who has been a missionary, an elder, an Associate Pastor, and a Senior Pastor I was very familiar with every main character in Mick Mooney’s…
Book Review: “It’s All About Jesus: What They Never Told You In Church”
By Steve on October 16, 2013
In the forward to Daniel Silva’s new book, It’s All About Jesus: What They Never Told You In Church, Paul Ellis notes that the book is like a food pantry; Tasty little goodies to be…
If Only “Answers In Genesis” Could Find Their “Answers In Jesus”
By Steve on October 12, 2013
Can the “Culture War” in America, and the Christian response to it, get any crazier. CNN reports that the the evangelical Christian group Answers in Genesis will spend up to US$ 200,000 to display billboards…
5 Errors That Result When Christians Pump Old Covenant Gasoline Into A New Covenant Engine
By Steve on October 3, 2013
Jesus said it doesn’t make much sense to put new wine in an old wine skin. (Mark 2:22) He said if we did, the old wineskin wouldn’t handle it and eventually would burst leaving the…
More Thoughts on John Piper, God, And “Dexter”
By Steve on August 22, 2013
Does pastor and theologian John Piper worship a different God than the one I do? That was the question I unpacked a couple posts back when I suggested that, based on some comments made by…
John Piper’s God Looks More Like “Dexter” than Jesus
By Steve on August 14, 2013
After reading my post yesterday on the great lengths God will go to for his children my brother Andy commented: I just did a post about a John Piper video that is making a resurgence on the…
With A “Vision” The People Often Perish
By Steve on June 18, 2013
I was a “Vision and Values” pastor once. In fact Habakkuk 2:2 “Write the vision and make it plain on tablets” and Matthew 11:12 “The Kingdom advances because forceful men lay hold of it” were…
Rediscovering “The Way” of Jesus
By Steve on March 27, 2013
Last week I had an interesting conversation with friends around my dining room table. In John 14:6 Jesus gives the familiar quote, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to…
When The Church Starts to Look Like “Harry Potter”
By Steve on January 9, 2013
What does God really care about? That is something that I have been thinking about for the past few weeks. This morning a Facebook friend sent around this quote from Christian scholar Scot McKnight; “Atonement…