What’s The Buzz? 5 Thoughts Inspired By Jesus Christ Superstar Live 2018
By Steve on April 9, 2018
My love for Jesus Christ Superstar goes way back. As far back as the seven year old boy whose parents took him to see the original “rock opera” at the Fisher Theater in downtown Detroit…
Episode 034: Camino Tales with Brian & Peri Zahnd
By Steve on December 20, 2016
Show Notes Intro Music: Ventura Tyler Bates Featured Music: Every Grain of Sand Bob Dylan Brian Zahnd’s website Hi all, Steve and I got to sit down with Brian & Peri Zahnd shortly…
Mike Huckabee & Gay Weddings: or How Not To Be A Christian “Tribesman”
By Steve on February 4, 2015
Presidential hopeful Mike Huckabee defended Christians who refused services (like baking wedding cakes) to the gay community based on their convictions saying, “it’s like forcing Jews to serve bacon-wrapped shrimp in their deli. Both foods are violations…
“The Romance of Grace” by Jim McNeely
By Steve on October 10, 2014
As the message of grace spreads through the church it goes without saying that grace authors face an increasingly difficult challenge; distinguishing their grace book from the plethora of others that have recently hit the market. In The…
Pope Francis & The Weapon of “Non-Violence”
By Steve on May 28, 2014
In case you missed it, Pope Francis is in the Middle-East and he’s currently leaving a trail of peace and restoration where ever he goes. (A welcome change for the region I’m sure) Making an…
Christian Evangelism: What Story Do You Tell Yourself…And The World?
By Steve on May 20, 2014
Christian evangelism is fueled by two sources; the story we tell ourselves and the mission we believe we are on. Story and Mission The story we proclaim and the mission we engage in tells those around us…
Justice Conference Asia 2014 May 22-24
By Steve on May 19, 2014
Just a quick post to promote the Justice Conference Asia 2014 conference starting this Thursday evening at the Vine Church in Wan Chai. For those living in Hong Kong I highly recommend you try to…
Brian McLaren and Why Jesus, Moses, the Buddha, and Mohammed Crossed The Road
By Steve on April 16, 2014
Within the Christian community the name Brian McLaren elicits either declarations of gratitude or cries of “heretic” depending on where one stands on a number of theological issues. The gratitude part tends to come from…
Prominent Pentecostal Pastor’s Conversion to Catholicism Has Wider Implications for Evangelicals
By Steve on March 14, 2014
A common story heard around evangelical / charismatic circles in the ’70s and ’80s went something like, “I grew up Catholic but then I got ‘born-again’ when I was at college” or “I was raised…
“Piglets For Progress”: Bringing A Little Heaven To Earth
By Steve on October 26, 2013
Connie Mudore is a good friend of mine who I worked with here in Hong Kong before she left for Chiang Mai, Thailand a couple years ago. Since arriving in Thailand she has become involved…