American Sniper: Why Christians Want Their Jesus To Be Chris Kyle
By Steve on February 17, 2015
American Sniper, the Clint Eastwood film starring Bradley Cooper as Navy Seal Chris Kyle, has been the topic de jour among many bloggers since its recent premier. My Facebook feed has been littered with diverse opinion…
Forget “Left Behind”: Jesus Breaks the Cycle of Power and Violence
By Steve on October 8, 2014
When Jesus walked the earth he tended to make a lot of people around him angry and frustrated. That’s because the Jewish people were looking for a new leader. Someone who would rise up with God…
More “Left Behind”: Thoughts on Raptures, Resurrections, and Turning The Prince of Peace into A God of War
By Steve on September 18, 2014
My last post on the upcoming Left Behind movie seem to generate more than the usual amount of discussion. To everyone’s credit the interactions with me, or the one’s I observed between others, were…
Old Testament God Vs. New Testament God: Jesus Clears the Confusion
By Steve on January 14, 2014
For centuries Christians have been trying to reconcile the discrepancies in God’s nature we often see between the Old Testament and the New. In some cases the character changes seem so stark in contrast that a…