Episode 097: Following the Jesus “Way” with Derek Vreeland (Pt. 2)
By Steve on August 27, 2019
Hi Pilgrim, In Part 2 of our talk pastor and author Derek Vreeland discusses what it means to “Practice Resurrection”, how his own faith has matured over the years, and then gives…
Episode 090: Postcards from Babylon with Brian Zahnd
By Steve on May 9, 2019
Download episode on iTunes here Download episode on Stitcher here Hi Pilgrim, Brian Zahnd returns to share with us topics from his new book Postcards from Babylon: The Church in American Exile. Along…
The Divine Magician: or How To Make Real Life Appear By Smashing The “Sacred Object”
By Steve on February 10, 2015
In grad school I took a class once called The Politics of Ideas. On the first day the professor warned us that each class period he would take us all into the metaphorical abyss where we would…
“The Romance of Grace” by Jim McNeely
By Steve on October 10, 2014
As the message of grace spreads through the church it goes without saying that grace authors face an increasingly difficult challenge; distinguishing their grace book from the plethora of others that have recently hit the market. In The…
A Farewell To Mars: Brian Zahnd Announces Christ’s Kingdom To American Christians (but are they willing to join it?)
By Steve on June 14, 2014
In his new book A Farewell to Mars author Brian Zahnd indirectly offers the reader a decision to make straight out of The Matrix; “Take the Red Pill and you wake up back in your…
Brian McLaren and Why Jesus, Moses, the Buddha, and Mohammed Crossed The Road
By Steve on April 16, 2014
Within the Christian community the name Brian McLaren elicits either declarations of gratitude or cries of “heretic” depending on where one stands on a number of theological issues. The gratitude part tends to come from…
Hyper-Grace: The Dangerous Doctrine of a Happy God
By Steve on March 11, 2014
What is “Hyper-Grace” and why would anyone think it could be a bad thing? In any debate, whether it be cultural, philosophical, or theological, transforming a pejorative label into a positive identity or a “badge…
Top Ten Best Books: 2013
By Steve on December 27, 2013
I read a lot. In the pre-digital world I would have certainly struggled to remember every book I had read in a given year. Now though I need only scroll through my Amazon purchases of…
Mick Mooney’s “Snap” Reveals A Pastor’s Breaking Point
By Steve on November 12, 2013
Ok, full confession. As a Christian of nearly 40 years who has been a missionary, an elder, an Associate Pastor, and a Senior Pastor I was very familiar with every main character in Mick Mooney’s…
Book Review: “It’s All About Jesus: What They Never Told You In Church”
By Steve on October 16, 2013
In the forward to Daniel Silva’s new book, It’s All About Jesus: What They Never Told You In Church, Paul Ellis notes that the book is like a food pantry; Tasty little goodies to be…