Jesus Riding A Donkey Was The Moment Everything Changed!
By Steve on February 3, 2015
I think it was C.S. Lewis who noted that the trouble of a childhood Sunday School education is that as adults a childlike version of Bible stories remains in our head. Noah is a sweet old…
Social Issues? Consider Playing the “Humanity Card” Instead of the “God Card”
By Steve on January 21, 2014
In the spring of 2010 my wife Tammy and I got some unexpected, yet welcome, news. We were going to have a baby! I shouldn’t say though it was totally unexpected. A year previously we…
Aslan Is On The Move!
By Steve on July 25, 2013
In C.S. Lewis’ The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe there is a wonderful portion of the story when the land of Narnia, which has been under the frozen curse of the White Witch, begins…
Awaiting Aslan: Finding Our Identity in the King and not the Message
By Steve on February 27, 2013
When I was a teenager I loved reading C.S. Lewis’ The Chronicles of Narnia. Once when I was home sick from school I read Voyage of the Dawn Treader and The Silver Chair complete through…