Christianity Without Hooks: Gay Pastors & Angry Bloggers
By Steve on January 15, 2015
Last week’s post on whether the Apostle Paul would have lunch with a gay pastor stirred up a hornet’s nest of comments. The contributors were a pretty passionate group but after 40 or 50 comments…
Would The Apostle Paul Have Lunch With A “Gay” Pastor?
By Steve on January 8, 2015
I had a very interesting question e-mailed to me this week: “Steve, in light of 1 Corinthians 5: 8-12 do you think Paul the Apostle would break bread (have a meal and fellowship) with…
Top 5 Posts of 2014
By Steve on December 29, 2014
Well another year of blogging is winding down and I can hardly believe I’ve managed to keep Beyond the Pale going for more than six years now. Over 525 posts! People often say to me “Where…
The Problem I Have With “My Pastor”
By Steve on October 28, 2014
“Who’s your pastor?” It’s a question you have probably heard more than a few times if you tend to hang out in church circles. As a pastor myself I know the challenges that can come from…
9 Warning Signs Your Pastor May Be Building His Own Kingdom
By Steve on July 11, 2014
Control! People like to be controlled! People want to be controlled! In a recent post I raised the question of why Christians would allow themselves to be abused in church systems that wreak havoc in their lives and…
The Church Is Changing: Is The Day Of The “Paid Pastor” Over?
By Steve on May 13, 2014
I saw a video over at Tony Jones’ blog which should be chilling wake up call to anyone under 30 who wants to be a pastor or go into some form of professional ministry. Its…
My Top 10 Changes Coming to Christianity
By Steve on May 7, 2013
Was reading Relevant Magazine this week and they were doing a number of “Top 10” lists on different aspects of church, faith, and leaders. It got me thinking along the lines of Christianity and what changes…