Episode 092: Grace, Universalism, and All That Jazz with Kristian Holmes (Pt. 2)
By Steve on June 14, 2019
Hi Pilgrims, In Part 2 of our interview, Kristian Holmes shares his ongoing journey as he and his wife forge a new path of relationship with God outside the normal church structures. Along the…
The Church Is Changing: The Coming Earthquake
By Steve on January 27, 2014
Over the last few years I have noticed a confession from Christians being whispered to me with increasing frequency and it usually goes something like this; “I still love God but I really don’t go…
Christianity Without Hooks
By Steve on November 28, 2013
What if sharing Christianity came without hooks? What if “bait & switch” evangelistic tactics were scrapped all together? How does one introduce another to the Life Christ brings if we aren’t allowed to use a…
Church Planting: When Authenticity Becomes A Marketing Tool
By Steve on November 20, 2013
I landed in Boulder Colorado with my family in January 2000 to church plant in the city. Sure, we heard it was “tough ground” to start a church. Yes, we heard that the picturesque college…
With A “Vision” The People Often Perish
By Steve on June 18, 2013
I was a “Vision and Values” pastor once. In fact Habakkuk 2:2 “Write the vision and make it plain on tablets” and Matthew 11:12 “The Kingdom advances because forceful men lay hold of it” were…
My Top 10 Changes Coming to Christianity
By Steve on May 7, 2013
Was reading Relevant Magazine this week and they were doing a number of “Top 10” lists on different aspects of church, faith, and leaders. It got me thinking along the lines of Christianity and what changes…
My Brother’s Conversation with a Pastor (and why he left the faith)
By Steve on March 10, 2013
About thirteen years ago my brother moved with his wife and two children from our childhood home in suburban Detroit to Salt Lake City. He did this with about 35 other people for the purpose…
Christians in Retreat? Why the Church prefers Tulsa to New York
By Steve on February 19, 2013
When Paul the Apostle began his Christian ministry he seemed compelled to bring the good news of Christ to the most influential cities of the world. Cities like: Corinth Ephesus Athens and finally to Rome….
The Idolatry of God by Peter Rollins: A Book Review
By Steve on January 28, 2013
In the last year I have become a bit of a fan of author and speaker Peter Rollins. I’d read two of his previous books, How (Not) to Speak of God and Insurrection and they…
You may need a little more Eucharist in your diet!
By Steve on October 29, 2012
Last week I was listening to Rob Bell being interviewed on the Homebrewed Christianity podcast. The interviewer, Bo Sanders, asked Rob a very interesting question. As many of you know Bell was pastor of the…