Jesus “Respawned”: Explaining Life and Death To My 9 Year Old Son
By Steve on April 19, 2020
This week my 9 year old son Ethan George was taking a bath when he called for me. Papa? I jumped up fairly quick as his voice seemed a little distressed only to find him…
Jesus Rode A Donkey And Why Many Christians Still Can’t Get The Joke
By Steve on April 10, 2020
Some folk just never “get” a joke. Personally, I love jokes and parody is probably my favorite form of humor. At Easter every year I am reminded of a really good joke Jesus told over…
Jesus Riding A Donkey Was The Moment Everything Changed!
By Steve on February 3, 2015
I think it was C.S. Lewis who noted that the trouble of a childhood Sunday School education is that as adults a childlike version of Bible stories remains in our head. Noah is a sweet old…
Why I Celebrate Passover! (and why you should think about it)
By Steve on April 3, 2013
Forget what you’ve heard about differing views on creed, theology, and politics, within evangelical Christianity, when it comes down to it we are really divided between those that have NO IDEA what a Passover meal…
This Easter Which Messiah would YOU Choose?
By Steve on April 1, 2013
On that first Easter week more than 2000 years ago, many of us are familiar with the moment where the Roman governor Pontius Pilate, in keeping with the Passover tradition of releasing one prisoner back…
Palm Sunday: Do We Still Have “No King But Caesar”?
By Steve on March 24, 2013
It’s Palm Sunday. The day the church traditionally celebrates the entry of Jesus into Jerusalem just days before his execution. The sad irony of the story is of course, that the throngs of crowds who…
Take a “Journey” this Lent Season!
By Steve on February 16, 2013
What special activity are you doing for Lent this year? As someone whose Christian faith was shaped by the early Jesus Movement of the 1970s, and later by independent Charismatic church life, the ritual of…