The Things We Don’t Think Of As Being “Church” Are More “Church” Than We Thought
By Steve on July 15, 2014
Little 3 yr. old Sau Yat (Sherlock) lives on same little Island in Hong Kong that I do. I had never heard of Sau Yat before this week…there are 15,000 of us living on Park…
Prominent Pentecostal Pastor’s Conversion to Catholicism Has Wider Implications for Evangelicals
By Steve on March 14, 2014
A common story heard around evangelical / charismatic circles in the ’70s and ’80s went something like, “I grew up Catholic but then I got ‘born-again’ when I was at college” or “I was raised…
When Social Justice Isn’t Sexy: and how the Eucharist can help!
By Steve on May 22, 2013
A few years ago I was visiting friends in my hometown back in Michigan. A guy there I knew worked with the city newspaper and due to some contract disputes their union had been on…
Why I Celebrate Passover! (and why you should think about it)
By Steve on April 3, 2013
Forget what you’ve heard about differing views on creed, theology, and politics, within evangelical Christianity, when it comes down to it we are really divided between those that have NO IDEA what a Passover meal…
Rob Bell’s Comments on Marriage Equality: Some Thoughts…
By Steve on March 19, 2013
Rob Bell has done it again! I really thought one of my next posts would be a review of Bell’s new book, What Do We Talk About When We Talk About God which I am…
Taking a Second Cookie: The Law and The Body of Christ
By Steve on November 30, 2012
Remember when you were a child and your mother would say, “You can have ONE cookie…but no more?” That was OK because all you wanted was one anyhow…right? But if you were like me, when…
Time for Christians to Put Away their Swords
By Steve on November 6, 2012
Last week I wrote a post on the Lord’s Supper. When Rob Bell was asked what he would do differently if he started another church he quickly answered he would have the group take…
You may need a little more Eucharist in your diet!
By Steve on October 29, 2012
Last week I was listening to Rob Bell being interviewed on the Homebrewed Christianity podcast. The interviewer, Bo Sanders, asked Rob a very interesting question. As many of you know Bell was pastor of the…